Microsoft outlook 2013 slow to open free.Outlook 2013 very slow to start up

Microsoft outlook 2013 slow to open free.Outlook 2013 very slow to start up

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- Outlook Search is very very slow tried rebuilding indexbut not - Microsoft Community 



OUTLOOK VERY SLOW TO OPEN EMAILS AND BOUNCES - Microsoft Community - Cause: Outlook can take longer to sort items in less-common fields


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Outlook slow to start - Microsoft Community

  Follow these steps to compact your PST file:.    


Microsoft outlook 2013 slow to open free


Outlook start is still slow and it takes 45 minutes. So, I called support and someone logged on to my machine using their www. So, I thought that it was the magic of the support person that outlook started to work again as if it was afraid to see the Microsoft Support.

No problem and the ticket was closed and I felt embarrassed. But, after the remote connection to my desktop ended and I tried to start the outlook, it is back to again 45 minutes.

So, I started scratching my head as what made it to work and I realized that when the remote desktop connection was used by the support person, it changed my windows to basic color and outlook worked fine. I do not know how to make it working again given the facts given above.

I replied to support to not to close the ticket but I did not hear anything from them. Have any of you seen this and how to fix it? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. In reply to Anabas's post on May 8, The problem is finally solved with the help from Microsoft Support.

They were really very good to see an end to this annoying problem. David White NZ. Hi All I have a client with Outlook — this takes about 2 mins to load. Other apps all start fine. I have tried: Disabling graphics acceleration Disabling all add ons Disabling antivirus Deleting roaming cache Recreating ost files there are 2 IMAP accounts Repairing online Office None of the above has made the slightest difference. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. In reply to Deepa Raj's post on April 2, Thanks for the suggestion - turning of search made no difference.
